What We Do

TrueSafety EvaluationSM brings an expert think-tank approach to defeat the distraction-crisis, eliminate toxic work environments, and foster a culture of health, well-being and safety.

What We Do


We provide a comprehensive suite of expert consultation services, covering everything from the design and implementation of programs to their monitoring and evaluation.

Our expertise lies in human factors, program evaluation, safety management systems, and organizational culture change.

What We Do

Impact Labs

Impact labs are one of the cornerstones of our consulting services.

Experiential individual and group exercises are designed to foster a collective wisdom among the group.

The exercises in our labs ignite self-reflection, reframing, and positive behavioral change among individual members.

What We Do

Incubator Series

Our Incubator series are labs designed to equip participants with a set of five Key Impact SkillsSM & core competencies.

Each skill lab builds upon the last, progressing from foundational to advanced influential skills and competencies. Customized take-home practices & between-session exercises provide an incubation period to continuously nurture, hone, & bring to life these impact skills in ways that expand one’s potential, encourage innovation, & build sustainable personal & organizational growth.

We help the organization know itself, grow, and flourish.


We provide a comprehensive suite of expert consultation services, covering everything from the design and implementation of programs to their monitoring and evaluation.

Our expertise lies in human factors, program evaluation, safety management systems, and organizational culture change.

Impact Labs

Impact labs are one of the cornerstones of our consulting services. Experiential individual and group exercises are designed to foster a collective wisdom among the group igniting self-reflection, reframing, and positive behavioral change among individual members.

Incubator Series

Our Incubator Series are labs designed to equip participants with a set of Key Impact SkillsSM and core competencies in five skill areas. Each skill lab in this series is carefully crafted to build upon the last, fostering a progression from foundational impact skills to advanced influential impact skills and competencies.

Customized take-home practices and between-session exercises provide an incubation period to continuously nurture, hone, and bring to life these Key Impact SkillsSM in ways that expand one’s potential, encourage innovation, and build sustainable personal and organizational growth.



We engage with your key stakeholders – senior management, labor leaders, and employees alike as needed – to assess your highest priority needs.

We then design an effective systems solution to meet your most pressing issues or concerns, building understanding, buy-in, and trust along the way. From advisory support to pilot projects to company-wide interventions, we customize our assessment methods and processes to fit your needs such as:




Document Reviews

Risk-Based Assessments

Program Evaluation

We work closely with senior leaders to evaluate your program regardless of where it is in your program life cycle including:

Assessing the Context

Implementation Design

Performance Measurement

Outcome and Impact Reporting

Program Sustainability

Organizational Culture Change

Our Organizational Culture Change services address complex organizational challenges at their root, utilizing key stakeholder engagement strategies and rigorous evaluation methods to drive impactful and sustainable change in organizational culture.

Our leading experts design tailored interventions that deliver tangible results throughout the lifecycle of a program.We understand the intricate relationships between system components, particularly its people and their influential connections. To this end, we develop key culture change strategies that promote:

Organizational Resilience




Technical Support, Advisory Support, & Coaching

In addition, TrueSafety EvaluationSM provides on-going technical and advisory support depending on customer needs.

We provide support with the following, among others:

Strategy Mapping

Expertise Management

Human Systems Integration (HSI)

Culture Change

Safety Management Systems

Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBIs)

High Reliability Organizations

Impact Labs

Building Resilience

The Resilience Lab is a holistic approach to cultivate self-awareness and harness one’s inner strengths to navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience. 

This highly interactive lab creates real-life work experiences that empowers individuals to manage pressure effectively and maintain mental well-being, foster constructive communication and resolution skills essential for both personal and professional growth, and nurture empathy and understanding to forge deeper connections within teams and communities through:

Stress Reduction Techniques

Conflict Management Strategies

Relationship Building Interactive Exercises

This impact lab will empower individuals to manage pressure effectively, foster constructive communication skills, and nurture empathy and understanding to forge deeper connections within teams and communities. Join us in building a resilient mindset and fostering harmonious healthier relationships for a more fulfilling work-life journey.

Getting Better Sleep

Discover the keys to rejuvenating sleep and boundless energy in our impact lab on sleep and fatigue management.

Participants will learn practical tips for optimizing sleep and sleep health including:

Creating a Conducive Sleep Environment

Establishing a Consistent Bedtime Routine

Anonymous Sleep Disorders Screening

Negotiating Conflicts Between Sleep and Family

Napping Strategies

Through evidence-based stress reduction and sleep hygiene techniques, attendees will learn to unwind the mind and body, promoting relaxation and facilitating restorative sleep.  Whether combating insomnia or battling daily fatigue, this impact lab equips individuals with practical self-guided tools to reclaim control over habits that disrupt sleep, towards awakening each day feeling more refreshed and revitalized.

Understanding the Science of Mindfulness

Discover the Science of Mindfulness in our interactive workshop.

 Explore the neurological and physiological benefits of mindfulness, learning how it can:

Reduce Stress

Boost Focus

Promote Well-Being

Through practical exercises and discussions, understand the research behind mindfulness techniques and how they can be applied in everyday life. Deepen your knowledge and experience the transformative power of mindfulness-based practices.

Custom Impact Labs

Our custom impact labs offer dynamic learning experiences tailored to your organization’s needs to enhance self-awareness, foster effective relationship building, strengthen team dynamics, deepen systems thinking, or improve community/industry relations. 

After an initial assessment, we design one or more impact labs with interactive exercises, engaging discussions, and practical tools to help participants develop a deeper understanding of themselves, their interactions with others, and their roles within larger systems. From exploring personal values and communication styles to understanding the dynamics of teamwork and the complexities of interconnected systems, we design our labs in ways that empower individuals and organizations to cultivate:

Greater Insight




Collective Organizational Wisdom

Whether aiming to enhance personal effectiveness, build stronger teams, or forge meaningful connections with communities and industries, our customized workshops intend to provide transformative learning opportunities that drive positive change and sustainable growth.

Incubator Series


At the heart of organizational effectiveness lies individual self-awareness and self-management, foundational pillars that shape the trajectory of success.

Our self-awareness lab serves as the cornerstone for relationship and team building, developing impactful organizational skills and competencies. 

Through introspective exploration and interactive exercises, participants delve deep into understanding their strengths, weaknesses, values, and triggers, gaining invaluable insights into their behaviors and reactions to these triggers. Armed with this self-awareness, individuals learn to:

Regulate Emotions

Build Resilience

Be Curious, Agile, and Adaptable

By mastering self-management techniques, participants lay the groundwork for effective leadership, teamwork, and decision-making within the organizational framework.

Join us in this transformative journey of self-discovery, as we unlock the keys to personal growth and organizational excellence.

Relationship Building

Building upon the solid foundation of self-awareness, our Relationship Building lab is the next crucial step in developing organizational impact skills and competencies.

 In this dynamic and interactive program, participants will deepen their understanding of interpersonal dynamics, communication styles, and the nuances of building strong, collaborative relationships. 

Through experiential learning activities and role-playing scenarios, individuals will hone their active listening, conflict management and empathy skills, fostering authentic communication and a culture of trust and cooperation within the organization.

By recognizing the interconnectedness between self-awareness, self-management, and relationship building, participants will emerge equipped with the tools to:

Cultivate Meaningful Connections

Harness Collective Strengths

Drive Impactful Outcomes

These skills are applicable in both professional and personal spheres.

Join us on this transformative journey towards fostering thriving organizational cultures and achieving lasting success.

Team Building

As the third installment in our progressive series of foundational labs, the team building impact lab is a pivotal juncture in honing organizational impact skills and competencies.

Building upon the groundwork laid by self-awareness and relationship building, this immersive program focuses on harnessing the collective potential of teams. 

Through collaborative activities, experiential learning exercises, and facilitated discussions, participants will strengthen bonds, enhance communication, and foster a shared sense of purpose within their teams.

From cultivating trust and accountability to leveraging diverse perspectives and strengths, this impact lab equips individuals with the essential tools for effective teamwork and collaboration. By empowering teams to work cohesively towards common goals, organizations can:

Unlock Innovation

Drive Performance

Achieve Unparalleled Success

Join us as we embark on this transformative journey towards building high-performing teams and realizing organizational excellence.

Systems Awareness

 As the fourth lab in our series of progressively foundational impact labs, our Systems Awareness Impact Lab emphasizes the world of work as a network of interconnected systems rather than isolated parts, recognizing that changes in one part of the system can have ripple effects throughout the entire system.

This impact lab delves into the transformative role of utilizing one’s felt sense to elevate situational awareness and gain deeper insights into the complexities of interconnected systems.

Participants will explore how their intuitive understanding and sense-making capabilities can serve as a powerful lens for grasping the inherent relationships and interactions between components within a system.

Through interactive activities and guided discussions, attendees learn to tap into their felt sense to uncover hidden patterns, feedback loops, and emergent behaviors that shape system dynamics.

By honing this intuitive capacity, participants enhance their ability to navigate complexity with clarity, foresight, and agility. Ultimately, integrating one’s felt sense into systems thinking practices enhances participants’ capacity to:

Improve Situational Awareness

Detect Weak Signals of Potential Failure

Trust Intuitive Decision Making

Our Systems Awareness Impact Lab arms participants with one of the Key Impact SkillsSM necessary for fostering positive systemic change.

Join us on this transformative journey as we unlock the keys to holistic organizational effectiveness and sustainable impact.

Societal Relations

As the culminating lab in our incubator series, our Societal Relations Impact Lab is strategically crafted to empower organizations to thrive within their broader ecosystem. 

This immersive program delves into the strategies and best practices for promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) and cultivating mutually beneficial relationships, strong community and industry ties, and a more resilient workforce. 

Through interactive sessions, case studies, and collaborative exercises, participants become empowered to leverage their organization’s strengths to positively impact the community and foster partnerships within their industry.

This impact lab equips participants with the tools to navigate the complexities of external relations with integrity and purpose by emphasizing the B Corp standards and principles regarding:

Corporate Social Responsibility

Ethical Engagement

Sustainable Business Practices

This impact lab equips participants with the tools to navigate the complexities of external relations with transparency, integrity and purpose. From enhancing brand reputation to driving innovation and creating shared value, this impact lab prepares organizations to be influential contributors to their communities and industries, ensuring long-term success and impact.

Join us in this transformative journey as we harness the power of collaboration and collective action to create a better future for all stakeholders involved.

Get in Touch!

For inquiries and more information, please use the contact form below or reach out to us directly at mcoplen@truesafetyeval.com.