Our Publications

Michael Coplen

President and Founder

Coplen, M., Moon, B. Snow, J. & Menges, C. (2024). Expertise Management for Safety Leadership Positions in the U.S. Railroad Industry.  No. DOT/FRA/ORD (In Progress). Federal Railroad Administration.

Coplen, M., & Moon, B. (2024). Awareness & Impact Skills Training for Safety Leadership Positions. [Poster presentation]. Transportation Review Board 103rd Annual Meeting. Jan. 7-11, 2024. Washington, DC.

Coplen, M. & Moon, B. (2024). The Expertise Management Framework for Railroad Safety Leadership. RR-24-03, April 2024. Federal Railroad Administration, US DOT. 

Coplen, M. (Chair). Mindfulness, Psychological Safety, Emotional Well-Being and Safety in the Workplace, with Michael Carroll, Marc Brackett, Charles, Austin, Karen Philbrick, Amy Edmonson, and Jacqueline Gallo. Plenary Panel Session at Work, Stress, & Health Conference: Work & Mental Health – Challenges & Solutions in a Changing World, American Psychological Association, Nov. 8-11, 2023. VIRTUAL.

Coplen, M. (2023). Expertise Management: A Promising Approach for Succession Planning. RR-23-22, November 2023. Federal Railroad Administration, US DOT. 

Coplen, M., Quan, J., Harnar, M., Barger, L. & Kumar, A. (2023). Brief Mindfulness Practices and Sleep: A Review. Poster Presentation at Work, Stress, & Health Conference: Work & Mental Health – Challenges & Solutions in a Changing World, American Psychological Association, Nov. 8-11, 2023. VIRTUAL.

Quan, J., Coplen, M., & Harnar, M. (2023). Mindfulness, Stress, and Sleep Quality: A Meta-Analysis Review of Current Research and Future Directions. Poster Presentation at Work, Stress, & Health Conference: Work & Mental Health – Challenges & Solutions in a Changing World, American Psychological Association, Nov. 8-11, 2023. VIRTUAL.

Quan, J., Coplen, M., & Harnar, M. (2023). A Systematic Review and Meta-Synthesis of Mindfulness and Happiness. Poster Presentation at Work, Stress, & Health Conference: Work & Mental Health – Challenges & Solutions in a Changing World, American Psychological Association, Nov. 8-11, 2023. VIRTUAL.

Coplen. M., & Moon, B. (2023). Mindfulness Task AnalysisSM: An Innovative Mindfulness Assessment Tool for Contextualizing Mindfulness-Based Interventions. Poster presentation. International Society for Contemplative Research Conference. Feb. 2-5, San Diego, CA.

Coplen. M., & Carroll, M. (2023). Mindfulness-Based Risk Reduction®: An Integrative Approach to Safety. Poster presentation. International Society for Contemplative Research Conference. Feb. 2-5, San Diego, CA.

Harnar, M. & Coplen. M. (2023). Exploring the Intersection of Contemplative Research and Evaluation Theory and Methods. Poster presentation. International Society for Contemplative Research Conference. Feb. 2-5, San Diego, CA.

Coplen, M. (2022). Mindfulness Task Analysis: A Model Assessment Tool for Mindfulness-Based Interventions. Poster presentation at Naturalistic Decision Making Conference, Oct. 25-27, 2022. Orlando, FL.

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Coplen, M., Moon, B. Snow, J. & Menges, C. (2024). Expertise Management for Safety Leadership Positions in the U.S. Railroad Industry.  No. DOT/FRA/ORD (In Progress). Federal Railroad Administration.

Coplen, M., & Moon, B. (2024). Awareness & Impact Skills Training for Safety Leadership Positions. [Poster presentation]. Transportation Review Board 103rd Annual Meeting. Jan. 7-11, 2024. Washington, DC.

Coplen, M. & Moon, B. (2024). The Expertise Management Framework for Railroad Safety Leadership. RR-24-03, April 2024. Federal Railroad Administration, US DOT. 

Coplen, M. (Chair). Mindfulness, Psychological Safety, Emotional Well-Being and Safety in the Workplace, with Michael Carroll, Marc Brackett, Charles, Austin, Karen Philbrick, Amy Edmonson, and Jacqueline Gallo. Plenary Panel Session at Work, Stress, & Health Conference: Work & Mental Health – Challenges & Solutions in a Changing World, American Psychological Association, Nov. 8-11, 2023. VIRTUAL.

Coplen, M. (2023). Expertise Management: A Promising Approach for Succession Planning. RR-23-22, November 2023. Federal Railroad Administration, US DOT. 

Coplen, M., Quan, J., Harnar, M., Barger, L. & Kumar, A. (2023). Brief Mindfulness Practices and Sleep: A Review. Poster Presentation at Work, Stress, & Health Conference: Work & Mental Health – Challenges & Solutions in a Changing World, American Psychological Association, Nov. 8-11, 2023. VIRTUAL.

Quan, J., Coplen, M., & Harnar, M. (2023). Mindfulness, Stress, and Sleep Quality: A Meta-Analysis Review of Current Research and Future Directions. Poster Presentation at Work, Stress, & Health Conference: Work & Mental Health – Challenges & Solutions in a Changing World, American Psychological Association, Nov. 8-11, 2023. VIRTUAL.

Quan, J., Coplen, M., & Harnar, M. (2023). A Systematic Review and Meta-Synthesis of Mindfulness and Happiness. Poster Presentation at Work, Stress, & Health Conference: Work & Mental Health – Challenges & Solutions in a Changing World, American Psychological Association, Nov. 8-11, 2023. VIRTUAL.

Coplen. M., & Moon, B. (2023). Mindfulness Task AnalysisSM: An Innovative Mindfulness Assessment Tool for Contextualizing Mindfulness-Based Interventions. Poster presentation. International Society for Contemplative Research Conference. Feb. 2-5, San Diego, CA.

Coplen. M., & Carroll, M. (2023). Mindfulness-Based Risk Reduction®: An Integrative Approach to Safety. Poster presentation. International Society for Contemplative Research Conference. Feb. 2-5, San Diego, CA.

Harnar, M. & Coplen. M. (2023). Exploring the Intersection of Contemplative Research and Evaluation Theory and Methods. Poster presentation. International Society for Contemplative Research Conference. Feb. 2-5, San Diego, CA.

Coplen, M. (2022). Mindfulness Task Analysis: A Model Assessment Tool for Mindfulness-Based Interventions. Poster presentation at Naturalistic Decision Making Conference, Oct. 25-27, 2022. Orlando, FL.

Ranney, J., Zuschlag, M., and Coplen, M. (2017). Evaluation of a Safety Culture Intervention for Union Pacific Shows Improved Safety and Safety Culture. Safety Science (2017). 

Stufflebeam, D. (Coplen, COR, 2016). Manual for Research, Technology, and Development Program and Project Evaluations. DOT/RPD/ORD-16/06. Federal Railroad Administration.

Kidda, S. and Coplen, M. Short Line Safety Institute Pilot Safety Culture Assessment Project: Recruitment and Selection of Sites and Assessors. DOT/FRA/RR-15-29. October, 2015. 

Coplen, M. and Snow, J. (2015). From Transportation Fatigue Research to Effective Practice: The Case for Evaluation. Chapter 9 in Worker Fatigue and Transportation Safety, Vol. 10 of the Review of Human Factors and Ergonomics. 

Kidda, S. and Coplen, M. Development of a Short Line Rail Safety Institute: Phase I – Job Analysis. DOT/FRA/RR14-10. April, 2014. Gist, R. (April, 2014). 

Coplen, M. COTR. Proposed Key Elements of a Critical Incident Intervention Program for Reducing the Effects of Potentially Traumatic Exposure on Train Crews to Grade Crossing and Trespasser Incidents. DOT/FRA/ORD-14-06. Tunna, J. (November, 2013). 

Coplen, M. COTR. Stufflebeam, D. Author. Evaluation Implementation Plan, Office of Research and Development, Office of Railroad Policy and Development, Federal Railroad Administration. DOT/FRA/ORD-13/47. 

Ranney, J., Zuschlag, M., Morell, J., Coplen, M., Multer, J., & Raslear, T. (2013). Demonstration Pilots Introducing Change: Fourteen Years of SafetyCulture Improvement Efforts by the FRA. Transportation Research News, 286, 28-36. 

Tunna, J., Coplen, M., & Stufflebeam, D. (2013). Evaluation Implementation Plan. FRA Office of Research and Development. No. DOT/FRA/ORD-13/47. Federal Railroad Administration.

Coplen, M. Ranney, J. (2009). Safe Practices, Operating Rule Compliance, and Derailment Rates Improve at Union Pacific Yards with STEEL Process – A Risk Reduction Approach to Safety. RR09-08, May, 2009. 

Coplen, M. and Ranney, J. Positive Safety Outcomes of Clear Signal for Action Program at UP Yard Operations. RR08-09. June, 2008. 

Coplen, M. and Ranney, J. Promising Evidence of Impact on Road Safety by Changing At-risk Behavior Process at UP. RR08-08. June, 2008. 

Coplen, M. and Ranney, J. Clear Signal for Action Program Addresses Locomotive Cab Safety Related to Constraining Signals. RR07-08. February, 2007. 

Ranney, J. and Nelson, C. (Coplen, M. COTR). The Impact of Participatory Safety Rules Revision on Incident Rates, Liability Claims, and Safety Culture in the U.S. Rail Industry. DOT/FRA/ORD-07/14. July, 2007. 

Coplen, M., Ranney, J., and Zuschlag, M. Behavior-Based Safety at Amtrak-Chicago Associated with Reduced Injuries and Costs. RR07-07. 

Coplen, M., Lee, M.T. CP Railway Investigation of Safety-Related Occurrences Protocol Considered Helpful by Both Labor and Management. RR06-13. 

Coplen, M., Lee, M.T. CP Railway Mechanical Services’ 5-Alive Safety Program Shows Promise in Reducing Injuries. RR06-14. Raslear, T. G., Coplen, M., and Popkin, S. (2005). Fatigue management tools to reduce operator fatigue. Proceedings of the 8th Int’l Heavy Haul Conference. Virginia Beach, Va: Int’l Heavy Haul Association. Pp. 411-416. 

Raslear, T. G., and Coplen, M. (2004). Fatigue models as practical tools: Diagnostic accuracy and decision thresholds. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 75, A168-A172. 

Popkin, S. and Coplen, M. (2003). Developing fatigue management resources for the transportation enterprise: US experience towards a non-prescriptive approach. Keynote paper presented at the 16th Int’l Symposium on Night and Shiftwork, Santos, Brazil. 

Coplen, M., and Popkin, S. (2003). Program evaluation methods for synthesizing fatigue-related policy issues, research priorities, and intended outcomes: toward a multi-national approach. Paper presented at the 5th Int’l Conference on Fatigue and Transportation, Fremantle, Australia. 

Popkin, S., and Coplen, M. (2003). US DOT Efforts to Develop Non-Regulatory Tools to Reduce Operator Fatigue. Paper presented at the Fifth Int’l Conference on Fatigue and Transportation, Fremantle, Australia. 

Pilcher, J. J., Teichman, H. M., Hildebrand, K. R., and Coplen, M. K. (2001). Effect of day length on sleep quantity in irregular work schedules [Abstract]. Sleep, 24(Suppl.), A195-A196. 

Pilcher, J. J., Anderson, J., Edwards, G., and Coplen, M. K. (2001). Work-related predictors of on-duty alertness in irregular work schedules [Abstract]. Sleep, 24(Suppl.), A429-A430. 

Roth, E., Malsch, N. and Multer, J. (Coplen, M. COTR). Understanding How Dispatchers Manage and Control Trains: Results of a Cognitive Task Analysis. DOT/FRA/ORD-01/02. May, 2001. 

Sussman, D. and Coplen, M. (2000). Fatigue and Altertness in the U.S. Railway Industry: Part I. The Nature of the Problem. Transporation Research Part F. Journal TRF, Article No. 47. Elsevier Science Ltd. January, 2001. 

Coplen, M. and Sussman, D. (2000). Fatigue and Altertness in the US Railway Industry: Part II. FRA’s Office of R&D Fatigue Research Program. Transporation Research Part F. Journal TRF, Article No. 48. Elsevier Science Ltd. January, 2001. 

Pilcher, J. J., and Coplen, M. K. (2000). Work/rest cycles in railroad operations: Effects of shorter-than 24-hour shift work schedules and on-call schedules on sleep. Ergonomics, 43(5), 573-588. 

Coplen, M.K. (1999). Compliance with Railroad Operating Rules and Corporate Culture Influences. Report No. DOT/FRA/ORD-99-09. US DOT, Washington, DC 

Pilcher, J. J. and Coplen, M. K. (1999a). Predictive models of sleep duration in irregular work/rest cycles. Sleep, 22(S1), S140-S141. 

Coplen, M. (1995). The Automated Horn System: Implementation Issues. Evaluation report provided to Volpe Center, US DOT. July – August, 1995. Cambridge, MA 

Coplen, M. (1994). Preliminary Evaluation of Locomotive Horn Noise Problems in Gering, Nebraska. Evaluation report provided to Volpe Center, US DOT. July – July, 1994. Cambridge, MA

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Jackie Quan

Biotech Consultant

Coplen, M., Quan, J., Harnar, M., Barger, L. & Kumar, A. (2023). Brief Mindfulness Practices and Sleep: A Review. Poster Presentation at Work, Stress, & Health Conference: Work & Mental Health – Challenges & Solutions in a Changing World, American Psychological Association, Nov. 8-11, 2023. VIRTUAL.

Quan, J., Coplen, M., & Harnar, M. (2023). Mindfulness, Stress, and Sleep Quality: A Meta-Analysis Review of Current Research and Future Directions. Poster Presentation at Work, Stress, & Health Conference: Work & Mental Health – Challenges & Solutions in a Changing World, American Psychological Association, Nov. 8-11, 2023. VIRTUAL.

Quan, J., Coplen, M., & Harnar, M. (2023). A Systematic Review and Meta-Synthesis of Mindfulness and Happiness. Poster Presentation at Work, Stress, & Health Conference: Work & Mental Health – Challenges & Solutions in a Changing World, American Psychological Association, Nov. 8-11, 2023. VIRTUAL.

Michael Harnar, Ph.D

Research & Evaluation Methods Specialist

Harnar, M. A., Prieur, A. M., & Ross Nelson, K. (2024, online first May 9). Using Cognitive Complexity to Understand Role-Play as a Pedagogical Tool in Graduate Evaluation Education. American Journal of Evaluation.

Jersild, A. C., & Harnar, M. A. (2023, in press). Promoting good governance in a digital era: the case for deliberative democratic evaluation. In Preeti Shroff et al (Eds.), Global Governance in a Digital Era. Routledge.

Harnar, M. & Coplen. M. (2023). Exploring the Intersection of Contemplative Research and Evaluation Theory and Methods. Poster presentation. International Society for Contemplative Research Conference. Feb. 2-5, San Diego, CA.

Wingate, L. A., Tilton, Z., & Harnar, M. (2023). Metaevaluation: Key concepts explained. In R. Tierne, F. Rizgi, & K. Ercikan (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (4th ed.). Elsevier. 

Coplen, M., Quan, J., Harnar, M., Barger, L. & Kumar, A. (2023). Brief Mindfulness Practices and Sleep: A Review. Poster Presentation at Work, Stress, & Health Conference: Work & Mental Health – Challenges & Solutions in a Changing World, American Psychological Association, Nov. 8-11, 2023. VIRTUAL.

Quan, J., Coplen, M., & Harnar, M. (2023). Mindfulness, Stress, and Sleep Quality: A Meta-Analysis Review of Current Research and Future Directions. Poster Presentation at Work, Stress, & Health Conference: Work & Mental Health – Challenges & Solutions in a Changing World, American Psychological Association, Nov. 8-11, 2023. VIRTUAL.

Quan, J., Coplen, M., & Harnar, M. (2023). A Systematic Review and Meta-Synthesis of Mindfulness and Happiness. Poster Presentation at Work, Stress, & Health Conference: Work & Mental Health – Challenges & Solutions in a Changing World, American Psychological Association, Nov. 8-11, 2023. VIRTUAL.

Jersild, A.C., & Harnar, M.A. (2022). Quality as praxis: A tool for formative meta-evaluation. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 18(42). Retrieved from https://journals.sfu.ca/jmde/index.php/jmde_1/article/view/697

Harnar, M. A., Tilton, Z., & Ford, T. (2022). Metaevaluation of the Médecins Sans Frontières Swedish Evaluation Unit-managed Evaluations from 2017–2021. Metaevaluation report for MSF SEU.

Harnar, M. A. (2022). Assessment of NEEA’s approach to the evaluation of market transformation programs. Meta-evaluation report for Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance.

Howarth, H. D., France, M. E., Snow, J. Z., & Harnar, M. A. (2022). Information and communications technology survey of class I railroad train, yard, and engine workers. U.S. DOT Federal Railroad Administration. DOT-VNTSC-FRA-XX-XX.

Harnar, M. A. (2020). Book Review: Quality: Plato to performance. American Journal of Evaluation, Online July 2020. doi.org/10.1177/1098214020930277

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Harnar, M. A., Prieur, A. M., & Ross Nelson, K. (2024, online first May 9). Using Cognitive Complexity to Understand Role-Play as a Pedagogical Tool in Graduate Evaluation Education. American Journal of Evaluation.

Jersild, A. C., & Harnar, M. A. (2023, in press). Promoting good governance in a digital era: the case for deliberative democratic evaluation. In Preeti Shroff et al (Eds.), Global Governance in a Digital Era. Routledge.

Harnar, M. & Coplen. M. (2023). Exploring the Intersection of Contemplative Research and Evaluation Theory and Methods. Poster presentation. International Society for Contemplative Research Conference. Feb. 2-5, San Diego, CA.

Wingate, L. A., Tilton, Z., & Harnar, M. (2023). Metaevaluation: Key concepts explained. In R. Tierne, F. Rizgi, & K. Ercikan (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (4th ed.). Elsevier. 

Coplen, M., Quan, J., Harnar, M., Barger, L. & Kumar, A. (2023). Brief Mindfulness Practices and Sleep: A Review. Poster Presentation at Work, Stress, & Health Conference: Work & Mental Health – Challenges & Solutions in a Changing World, American Psychological Association, Nov. 8-11, 2023. VIRTUAL.

Quan, J., Coplen, M., & Harnar, M. (2023). Mindfulness, Stress, and Sleep Quality: A Meta-Analysis Review of Current Research and Future Directions. Poster Presentation at Work, Stress, & Health Conference: Work & Mental Health – Challenges & Solutions in a Changing World, American Psychological Association, Nov. 8-11, 2023. VIRTUAL.

Quan, J., Coplen, M., & Harnar, M. (2023). A Systematic Review and Meta-Synthesis of Mindfulness and Happiness. Poster Presentation at Work, Stress, & Health Conference: Work & Mental Health – Challenges & Solutions in a Changing World, American Psychological Association, Nov. 8-11, 2023. VIRTUAL.

Jersild, A.C., & Harnar, M.A. (2022). Quality as praxis: A tool for formative meta-evaluation. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 18(42). Retrieved from https://journals.sfu.ca/jmde/index.php/jmde_1/article/view/697

Harnar, M. A., Tilton, Z., & Ford, T. (2022). Metaevaluation of the Médecins Sans Frontières Swedish Evaluation Unit-managed Evaluations from 2017–2021. Metaevaluation report for MSF SEU.

Harnar, M. A. (2022). Assessment of NEEA’s approach to the evaluation of market transformation programs. Meta-evaluation report for Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance.

Howarth, H. D., France, M. E., Snow, J. Z., & Harnar, M. A. (2022). Information and communications technology survey of class I railroad train, yard, and engine workers. U.S. DOT Federal Railroad Administration. DOT-VNTSC-FRA-XX-XX.

Harnar, M. A. (2020). Book Review: Quality: Plato to performance. American Journal of Evaluation, Online July 2020. doi.org/10.1177/1098214020930277

Harnar, M. A., Hillman, J. A., Endres, C. L., & Snow, J. Z. (2020). Internal formative meta-evaluation: Assuring quality in evaluation practice. American Journal of Evaluation, 41(4), 603-613. doi.org/10.1177/1098214020924471

Hunter, O, Leeburg, E., Harnar, M. A. (2020). Using PhotoVoice as an Evaluation Method. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 16, 34. Available at: https://journals.sfu.ca/jmde/index.php/jmde_1/article/view/603 

Tilton, Z., Harnar, M. Raftree, L., Perrin, P., Bruening, G., Banerji, S. et al. (2020). What we know about traditional MERL Tech: Insights from a scoping review. MERL Tech. Available at: https://www.alnap.org/help-library/what-we-know-about-traditional-merl-tech-insights-from-a-scoping-review 

Harnar, M. A. (2019). Book Review: Being an Evaluator: Your Practical Guide to Evaluation. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 15, 32. Available at: http://journals.sfu.ca/jmde/index.php/jmde_1/article/view/549.

Melnik, G., Isaacs, M., Snow, J., & Harnar, M. A. (2019). Strategic plan for the Cab Technology Integration Laboratory. U.S.  DOT Federal Railroad Administration. DOT-VNTSC-FRA-16-09. Harnar, M. A. (2014). Developing criteria to identify transformative participatory Evaluators. Journal of Multidisciplinary Evaluation, 10, 22. Available at: https://journals.sfu.ca/jmde/index.php/jmde_1/article/view/383/376 

Tarr, J., Harnar, M. A., & Ahsan, N. (2014). Strengthening Families: A look at national data on program strategies, staff capacity and the protective factors. Unpublished whitepaper presented at the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s annual conference in Dallas, TX. 

Zuschlag, M., Ranney, J., Coplen, M., & Harnar, M. (2012). Transformation of safety culture on the San Antonio service unit of Union Pacific Railroad. U.S. DOT Federal Railroad Administration. DOT-FRA-ORD-12-16.  

Harnar, M. A. (2012). Theory building through praxis discourse: A theory- and practice-informed model of Transformative Participatory Evaluation. (Doctoral dissertation). Claremont Graduate University. 

Snow, J. Z., Lee, S., Ross, B., & Harnar, M. A. (2011, December). FOSS Leadership Academy: A FOSS and K-12 Alliance partnership for fostering science-centered schools. Year 2 formative evaluation report. Report to FOSS, Berkeley, California.

Christie, C. A., & Harnar, M. A. (2011). Basic Skills Leadership Institute evaluation report. ESL/Basic Skills Professional Development Grant report.

Harnar, M. A., & Christie, C. A. (2011). Learning in Networks for Knowledge Sharing (LINKS) survey data report. ESL/Basic Skills Professional Development Grant activities report.

Harnar, M. A. (2010). Youth Activism Against Obesity: Evaluation final report. Summative evaluation report for 2-year grant-funded program.

Christie, C. A., & Harnar, M. A. (2010). Basic Skills Leadership Institute evaluation report. ESL/Basic Skills Professional Development Grant report.

Harnar, M. A. (2009). Youth participatory evaluation: A literature review.  Unpublished review paper in partial completion of doctoral studies.

Harnar, M. A. (2009). Changing At-Risk Behaviors at the San Antonio Service Unit: Individual Stories of Change.  Report on interviews conducted to provide qualitative evidence of change as a result of a railroad safety innovation, Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA.

Christie, C. A., & Harnar, M. A. (2009). Basic Skills Initiative Leadership Institute evaluation report. ESL/Basic Skills Professional Development Grant report.

Harnar, M. A. (2009). Preliminary findings from the Youth Activism Against Obesity youth leaders’ pretest survey.  Formative evaluation report, Youth Activism Against Obesity grant.

Harnar, M. A. (2007). Using sensation seeking and perceived message sensation value to explain adolescents’ reactance to anti-inhalant messages. (Unpublished Master’s thesis). Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA.

Griffith, J. A., Harnar, M. A., & Easton, P. (2007). Investigating assessment of the effectiveness of online tools for improving the learning outcomes and learning communities in graduate education. Final grant report to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Harnar, M. A., & Preskill, H. (2007). Evaluators’ description of process use: An exploratory study. New Directions for Evaluation, 116, 27-44.

Harnar, M. A., Brown, S. W. & Mayall, H. J. (2000). Measuring the effect of distance education on the learning experience: Teaching accounting via PictureTel©. International Journal of Instructional Media, 27, 37-50.

King, F. B., Harnar, M. A. & Brown, S. W. (2000). Self-Regulatory behavior influences in distance learning. International Journal of Instructional Media, 27, 147-155.

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Juna Snow, Ph.D.

Educational Research & Evaluation Expert

Coplen, M., Moon, B. Snow, J. & Menges, C. (2024). Expertise Management for Safety Leadership Positions in the U.S. Railroad Industry.  No. DOT/FRA/ORD (In Progress). Federal Railroad Administration.

Harnar, M. A., Hillman, J. A., Endres, C. L., & Snow, J. Z. (2020). Internal formative meta-evaluation: Assuring quality in evaluation practice. American Journal of Evaluation, 41(4), 603-613. doi.org/10.1177/1098214020924471

Federal Railroad Administration. (2019). Short Line Safety Institute: The Most Robust Model for Assessing  Safety Culture in the U.S. Railroad Industry. Research Results No. RR 19-15. Washington, DC: Federal  Railroad Administration.  

Melnik, G., Isaacs, M., Snow, J., & Harnar, M. A. (2019). Strategic plan for the Cab Technology Integration Laboratory. U.S.  DOT Federal Railroad Administration. DOT-VNTSC-FRA-16-09. Harnar, M. A. (2014). Developing criteria to identify transformative participatory Evaluators. Journal of Multidisciplinary Evaluation, 10, 22. Available at: https://journals.sfu.ca/jmde/index.php/jmde_1/article/view/383/376 

Federal Railroad Administration. (2018). Short Line Safety Institute: Status of Safety Culture in the Industry.  Research Results No. RR 18-14. Washington, DC: Federal Railroad Administration.  

Snow, J. Z., & Harnar, M. A. (2017, September). Stakeholder engagement in complex environments.  Paper presentation at the biennial conference of the South African Evaluation and Monitoring Association,  Johannesburg, South Africa. 

Federal Railroad Administration. (2016). Short Line Safety Institute Pilot Safety Culture Assessment  Project: Development of Assessment Tools. Research Results No. RR 16-03. Washington, DC: Federal  Railroad Administration. 

Coplen, M. and Snow, J. (2015). From Transportation Fatigue Research to Effective Practice: The Case for Evaluation. Chapter 9 in Worker Fatigue and Transportation Safety, Vol. 10 of the Review of Human Factors and Ergonomics. 

Snow, J. Z. (2014, October). Utilization-Focused Evaluation and Context Evaluation to Improve the Safety  of Transporting Crude Oil by Rail. Paper presentation at the annual conference of the American Evaluation  Association, Government Topical Interest Group, Denver, CO. 

Snow, J. Z., Lee, S., Ross, B., & Harnar, M. A. (2011, December). FOSS Leadership Academy: A FOSS and K-12 Alliance partnership for fostering science-centered schools. Year 2 formative evaluation report. Report to FOSS, Berkeley, California.

Jonathan Morell, Ph.D.

Complex Systems Research & Evaluation Expert

Morell, J. A. (2020). Evolutionary Biology and Ecology as a Valuable Framework for Some Evaluation. (43:15)

Morell, J.A. (2018) Complex Behavior in Program Design and Evaluation: Funder – Evaluator Dialogue on Complexity

Morell, J.A., Davey, M., Ranney, J., Zuschlag, M., Cantu, M. (2018) Transforming Railroad Safety with the Confidential Close Call Reporting System: Implementation, Impact, and Sustainability Transportation Review Board Washington, 97 th annual meeting, January 7 th 11 th . Washington DC DOT/FRA/ORD-19/01 Dr. Morell was the principal investigator for the evaluation of C 3 RS. Dr. Joyce Ranney Federal Railroad Administration Technical Point of Contact.

Morell, J. A. (2017). Complex Behavior in Program Design and Evaluation, YouTube.

Morell, J.A. (2017) From Firefighting to Systematic Action: Funder – Evaluator Dialogue for Better Evaluation of Unintended Consequences – Why Program Funders and Evaluators Need to Talk About Complexity (1:10:06)

Morell, J.A. (2016) Drawing on Complexity to do Hands-on Evaluation: What is the Need for Complexity

Morell, J. A., Parunak, H. V. D., Hwalek, M., & Knestis, K. (2016) Integrating Agent Based Modeling and Traditional Evaluation

Morell, J.A. (2018) Revealing Implicit Assumptions: Why, Where, and How? Prepared for Catholic Relief Services

Morell, J.A. (2018) Linking Management and Evaluation: Project Schedules as Program Models American Journal of Evaluation https://doi.org/10.1177/1098214018784198

Morell, J.A. Expert Workshop on Contribution Analysis: The Role of Complexity in Long Term Impact Analysis (2018) Center for Development Impact, Brighton, UK

Morell, J.A. (2018) Systematic iteration between model and methodology: A proposed approach to evaluating unintended consequences Evaluation and Program Planning 68, 243 – 252

Ranney, J. M. Davey, M., Morell, J.A., Zuschlag, M. and Kidda, S. (in publication, 2018 projected) Confidential Close Call Reporting System (C3RS) Lessons Learned Evaluation Final Report Federal Railroad Administration

Ranney, J. M. Davey, M., Morell, J.A., Zuschlag, M. and Coplen, M. (in publication, 2018 projected) Confidential Close Call Reporting System (C3RS) Lessons Learned Evaluation Midterm Report

Morell, J.A., Davey, M., Ranney, J., Zuschlag, M., Cantu, M. (2018) Transforming Railroad Safety with the Confidential Close Call Reporting System: Implementation, Impact, and Sustainability Transportation Review Board Washington, 97th annual meeting, January 7th 11th. Washington DC

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Morell, J. A. (2020). Evolutionary Biology and Ecology as a Valuable Framework for Some Evaluation. (43:15)

Morell, J.A. (2018) Complex Behavior in Program Design and Evaluation: Funder – Evaluator Dialogue on Complexity

Morell, J.A., Davey, M., Ranney, J., Zuschlag, M., Cantu, M. (2018) Transforming Railroad Safety with the Confidential Close Call Reporting System: Implementation, Impact, and Sustainability Transportation Review Board Washington, 97 th annual meeting, January 7 th 11 th . Washington DC DOT/FRA/ORD-19/01 Dr. Morell was the principal investigator for the evaluation of C 3 RS. Dr. Joyce Ranney Federal Railroad Administration Technical Point of Contact.

Morell, J. A. (2017). Complex Behavior in Program Design and Evaluation, YouTube.

Morell, J.A. (2017) From Firefighting to Systematic Action: Funder – Evaluator Dialogue for Better Evaluation of Unintended Consequences – Why Program Funders and Evaluators Need to Talk About Complexity (1:10:06)

Morell, J.A. (2016) Drawing on Complexity to do Hands-on Evaluation: What is the Need for Complexity

Morell, J. A., Parunak, H. V. D., Hwalek, M., & Knestis, K. (2016) Integrating Agent Based Modeling and Traditional Evaluation

Morell, J.A. (2018) Revealing Implicit Assumptions: Why, Where, and How? Prepared for Catholic Relief Services

Morell, J.A. (2018) Linking Management and Evaluation: Project Schedules as Program Models American Journal of Evaluation https://doi.org/10.1177/1098214018784198

Morell, J.A. Expert Workshop on Contribution Analysis: The Role of Complexity in Long Term Impact Analysis (2018) Center for Development Impact, Brighton, UK

Morell, J.A. (2018) Systematic iteration between model and methodology: A proposed approach to evaluating unintended consequences Evaluation and Program Planning 68, 243 – 252

Ranney, J. M. Davey, M., Morell, J.A., Zuschlag, M. and Kidda, S. (in publication, 2018 projected) Confidential Close Call Reporting System (C3RS) Lessons Learned Evaluation Final Report Federal Railroad Administration

Ranney, J. M. Davey, M., Morell, J.A., Zuschlag, M. and Coplen, M. (in publication, 2018 projected) Confidential Close Call Reporting System (C3RS) Lessons Learned Evaluation Midterm Report

Morell, J.A., Davey, M., Ranney, J., Zuschlag, M., Cantu, M. (2018) Transforming Railroad Safety with the Confidential Close Call Reporting System: Implementation, Impact, and Sustainability Transportation Review Board Washington, 97th annual meeting, January 7th 11th. Washington DC

Morell, J.A. (2017) “From Firefighting to Systematic Action: Toward A Research Agenda for Better Evaluation of Unintended Consequences”. Unintended Effects of International Cooperation: An Academic & Policy Cross-over Conference. The Hague, January 16-10.

Morell, J.A. (2016) Applying Analytical Hierarchy Process to Needs Assessment in the Federal Railroad Administration’s Energy, Environment, and Engine Program. Federal Railroad Administration, Office of Research and Development

Ranney, Joyce, Morell, J.A. et. al. (2016) C3RS: Midterm Accomplishments at Another Site and Success Factors Across Sites Federal Railroad Administration RR 15-44 DOT/FRA/ORD-19/01 Dr. Morell was the principal investigator for the evaluation of C 3 RS. Dr. Joyce Ranney Federal Railroad Administration Technical Point of Contact.

Ranney, Joyce, Morell, J.A. et. al. (2015) Continued Improvements at One C3RS Site Federal Railroad Administration RR 15-17 DOT/FRA/ORD-19/01 Dr. Morell was the principal investigator for the evaluation of C 3 RS. Dr. Joyce Ranney Federal Railroad Administration Technical Point of Contact.

Ranney, Joyce, Morell, J.A. (2015) Confidential Close Call Reporting System (C3RS) Lessons Learned Team Baseline Phase Report Federal Railroad Administration DOT/FRA/ORD-15/08 DOT/FRA/ORD-19/01 Dr. Morell was the principal investigator for the evaluation of C 3 RS. Dr. Joyce Ranney Federal Railroad Administration Technical Point of Contact.

Morell, J. A. (2015). Cross Boundary Insights: Plans, Critical Incidents, and Outcomes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKgmjdzv-4I

Morell, J. A. (2015) Integrating Traditional Evaluation and Agent Based Modeling.

Morell, J.A. (2015) Evaluation of the Federal Railroad Administration’s Autonomous Track Geometry Measurement System Research and Development Program Federal Railroad Administration, Office of Research and Development

Morell, J.A. (2015) Needs Assessment Methodology for the Rail Energy, Environment and Engine (E3) Technology Research Program Federal Railroad Administration, Office of Research and Development

Morell, J.A. (2015) Railroaders Identifying Digital Distractions: Evaluation of a Peer to Peer Pilot Program at the Norfolk Southern Railroad Norfolk Southern Railroad

Morell, J.A. (2014) Project/Program/Portfolio Outcome Monitoring (POM) Tool. Program Federal Railroad Administration, Office of Research and Development (Demonstration available upon request.)

Ranney, J., Zuschlag, M., Morell, J., Coplen, M., Multer, J., & Raslear, T. (2013). Demonstration Pilots Introducing Change: Fourteen Years of SafetyCulture Improvement Efforts by the FRA. Transportation Research News, 286, 28-36.

Ranney, Joyce, Morell, J.A. et. al. (2013) Another C3RS Site Improves Safety at Midterm Federal Railroad Administration RR 13-49 DOT/FRA/ORD-19/01 Dr. Morell was the principal investigator for the evaluation of C 3 RS. Dr. Joyce Ranney Federal Railroad Administration Technical Point of Contact.

Ranney, Joyce, Morell, J.A. (2012) Derailments Decrease at a C3RS Site at Midterm Federal Railroad Administration RR 12-04 DOT/FRA/ORD-19/01 Dr. Morell was the principal investigator for the evaluation of C 3 RS. Dr. Joyce Ranney Federal Railroad Administration Technical Point of Contact.

Morell, J.A. (2010) Evaluation in the Face of Uncertainty: Anticipating Surprise and Responding to the Inevitable Morell, J.A., Guilford Press, N.Y.

Morell, J.A. et. al. (2006) C3RS Literature Review to Inform Evaluation Prepared for the Federal Railroad
Administration. DOT/FRA/ORD-19/01 Dr. Morell was the principal investigator for the evaluation of C 3 RS. Dr. Joyce Ranney Federal Railroad Administration Technical Point of Contact.

Morell, J. A. (2005) Why are there unintended consequences of program action, and What Are the Implications for Doing Evaluation? American Journal of Evaluation, 26(4), 444 – 463. https://doi.org/https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1098214005281354

Morell, J. A. (1982). Threats to the Utility of Social Science [Article]. American Behavioral Scientist, 26(2), 265- https://doi.org/10.1177/000276482026002008

Morell, J. (1979). Evaluation as Social Technology. In Program Evaluation as Social Research. Pergamon
Press. https://evaluationuncertainty.com/2019/05/14/evaluation-as-social-technology/ Complexity view of evaluating transformation. (41:36)

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Michael Carroll

Human Resources & Internal Communications Consultant

Coplen, M. (Chair). Mindfulness, Psychological Safety, Emotional Well-Being and Safety in the Workplace, with Michael Carroll, Marc Brackett, Charles, Austin, Karen Philbrick, Amy Edmonson, and Jacqueline Gallo. Plenary Panel Session at Work, Stress, & Health Conference: Work & Mental Health – Challenges & Solutions in a Changing World, American Psychological Association, Nov. 8-11, 2023. VIRTUAL.

Coplen. M., & Carroll, M. (2023). Mindfulness-Based Risk Reduction®: An Integrative Approach to Safety. Poster presentation. International Society for Contemplative Research Conference. Feb. 2-5, San Diego, CA.

Carroll, M. (2012). Fearless at Work: Timeless Teachings for Awakening Confidence, Resilience, and Creativity in the Face of Life’s Demands. Shambhala Publications, 2012.

Carroll, M. (2007). The Mindful Leader: Ten Principles for Bringing Out the Best in Ourselves and Others. Shambhala Publications, 2007.

Carroll. M. (2004). Awake at Work: 35 Practical Buddhist Principles for Discovering Clarity and Balance in the Midst of Work Chaos. Shambhala Publications, 2004.

Ann Berger, MD, MSN

Executive Healthcare & Scientific Advisor

Langevin H, Berger A, Edwards E. Interface of Resilience with Other Related Concepts in Physiological and Psychosocial Spiritual Domains. Stress and Health. (accepted)

Carr D., Berger A. What Do I Do Now: Palliative Care: Clinical, Legal, and Ethical Dilemmas.  Oxford Press. In press. Silberman M, Berger A. Global perspectives in dementia care: Religion, spirituality and cultural diversity in health and healing. Cambridge Press. 2023. 

Shnayder, S., Ameli, R., Sinaii, N., Berger, A., & Agrawal, M. (2023). Psilocybin-assisted therapy improves psycho-social-spiritual well-being in cancer patients. Journal of affective disorders323, 592-597.

Bagereka, P., Ameli, R., Sinaii, N., Vocci, M. C., & Berger, A. (2023). Psychosocial-spiritual well-being is related to resilience and mindfulness in patients with severe and/or life-limiting medical illness. BMC palliative care22(1), 133.

Silberman M., Berger A., Global Perspectives in Cancer Care: Religion, Spirituality, and Cultural Diversity in Health and Healing. Oxford. 2022.

Berger A., Oneill J.  Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology, 5th edition. Lippincott-Raven. 2021

Ameli R, Skeath P, Abraham PA, Panahi S, Kazman J, Foote F, Deuster P, Ahmad N, Berger A. A nature Based Health Intervention at A Military Health Center: A Randomized Controlled Cross Over Qualitative Study. Peer J. Jan. 2021. 

Ruben CL, Pirsl F, Steinberg S, Hotzman NG, Parsons-Wandell L, barruffaldi J. Curtis LM, Mitchell S, Kerep AZ, Cowen EW, Berger A, Joe Galen, Datilles MB, Mays J, Pavletic SZ. Bone marrow transplantation. Feb. 1, 2021 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41409-021-01211-2

Ameli R, Sinaii N, West CP, Luna MJ, Panahi S, Zoosman M, Rusch H, Berger A. Effect of a Brief Mindfulness-Based Program on Stress in Health Care Professionals at a US Biomedical Research Hospital. A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open. August 2020. 

Silbermann M, Berger A. The Need for A Universal Language During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Lessons Learned from The Mid-East Cancer Consortium. (MECC). Palliative Supportive Care , 2020. 

Berger A., Hinds P., Puchalski C., Handbook of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology. Springer Publishers. 2018.

Ameli R, Sinaii N, Luna MJ, Cheringal JH, Gil B. Berger A. The National Institutes of Health measure of Healing. Experience of All life Stressors (NIH HEALS): Factor Analysis and Validation. PLOS One. Dec. 12, 2018. 

Berger A (ed). Annals of Palliative Medicine. Special issue on Healing and Spirituality, July 2017. 

Berger A. “Mother MD Intense”: The Need for Intentional Healing. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. Vol 52. No 1, July 2016. 

Berger A., Schuster J, Roenn J. Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology, 4th edition, Lippincott-Raven, 2013 

Berger A, Shuster J, Von Roenn J. Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology, 3rd edition, Lippincott-Raven, 2006

Berger A, Portenoy, Weisman D. Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology, 2nd edition, Lippincott-Raven, 2002

Berger A, Portenoy R, Weissman D. Principles and Practice of Supportive Oncology, 1st edition, Lippincott-Raven, 1998

Berger A. (eds) Cancer Pain for The Health Care Professional. CMP Healthcare Media, 2004.

Berger A. (eds) Chemotherapy Related Nausea and Vomiting. CMP Healthcare Media, 2004. 

Berger A. Cancer Fatigue: Myths and Facts. CMP Healthcare Media. 2004.

Berger A. Handbook of Supportive Oncology. CMP Healthcare Media. 2005.

Berger A. Cancer and Chronic Pain: Myths and Facts. CMP Healthcare Media. 2005

Berger A, Deswain C. Healing Chronic Pain. Rodale Publishers. 2006

Berger A. (eds) Oncology. Special Issue on Supportive and Palliative Care. CMP Healthcare Media. Vol 18 (12) 2004.

Berger A. (eds) The Cancer Journal: Special Issue on Supportive and Palliative Care. Vol 12. No 5. Sept/Oct. 2006.

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Langevin H, Berger A, Edwards E. Interface of Resilience with Other Related Concepts in Physiological and Psychosocial Spiritual Domains. Stress and Health. (accepted)

Carr D., Berger A. What Do I Do Now: Palliative Care: Clinical, Legal, and Ethical Dilemmas.  Oxford Press. In press. Silberman M, Berger A. Global perspectives in dementia care: Religion, spirituality and cultural diversity in health and healing. Cambridge Press. 2023. 

Shnayder, S., Ameli, R., Sinaii, N., Berger, A., & Agrawal, M. (2023). Psilocybin-assisted therapy improves psycho-social-spiritual well-being in cancer patients. Journal of affective disorders323, 592-597.

Bagereka, P., Ameli, R., Sinaii, N., Vocci, M. C., & Berger, A. (2023). Psychosocial-spiritual well-being is related to resilience and mindfulness in patients with severe and/or life-limiting medical illness. BMC palliative care22(1), 133.

Silberman M., Berger A., Global Perspectives in Cancer Care: Religion, Spirituality, and Cultural Diversity in Health and Healing. Oxford. 2022.

Berger A., Oneill J.  Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology, 5th edition. Lippincott-Raven. 2021

Ameli R, Skeath P, Abraham PA, Panahi S, Kazman J, Foote F, Deuster P, Ahmad N, Berger A. A nature Based Health Intervention at A Military Health Center: A Randomized Controlled Cross Over Qualitative Study. Peer J. Jan. 2021. 

Ruben CL, Pirsl F, Steinberg S, Hotzman NG, Parsons-Wandell L, barruffaldi J. Curtis LM, Mitchell S, Kerep AZ, Cowen EW, Berger A, Joe Galen, Datilles MB, Mays J, Pavletic SZ. Bone marrow transplantation. Feb. 1, 2021 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41409-021-01211-2

Ameli R, Sinaii N, West CP, Luna MJ, Panahi S, Zoosman M, Rusch H, Berger A. Effect of a Brief Mindfulness-Based Program on Stress in Health Care Professionals at a US Biomedical Research Hospital. A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open. August 2020. 

Silbermann M, Berger A. The Need for A Universal Language During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Lessons Learned from The Mid-East Cancer Consortium. (MECC). Palliative Supportive Care , 2020. 

Berger A., Hinds P., Puchalski C., Handbook of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology. Springer Publishers. 2018.

Ameli R, Sinaii N, Luna MJ, Cheringal JH, Gil B. Berger A. The National Institutes of Health measure of Healing. Experience of All life Stressors (NIH HEALS): Factor Analysis and Validation. PLOS One. Dec. 12, 2018. 

Berger A (ed). Annals of Palliative Medicine. Special issue on Healing and Spirituality, July 2017. 

Berger A. “Mother MD Intense”: The Need for Intentional Healing. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. Vol 52. No 1, July 2016. 

Berger A., Schuster J, Roenn J. Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology, 4th edition, Lippincott-Raven, 2013 

Berger A, Shuster J, Von Roenn J. Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology, 3rd edition, Lippincott-Raven, 2006

Berger A, Portenoy, Weisman D. Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology, 2nd edition, Lippincott-Raven, 2002

Berger A, Portenoy R, Weissman D. Principles and Practice of Supportive Oncology, 1st edition, Lippincott-Raven, 1998

Berger A. (eds) Cancer Pain for The Health Care Professional. CMP Healthcare Media, 2004.

Berger A. (eds) Chemotherapy Related Nausea and Vomiting. CMP Healthcare Media, 2004. 

Berger A. Cancer Fatigue: Myths and Facts. CMP Healthcare Media. 2004.

Berger A. Handbook of Supportive Oncology. CMP Healthcare Media. 2005.

Berger A. Cancer and Chronic Pain: Myths and Facts. CMP Healthcare Media. 2005

Berger A, Deswain C. Healing Chronic Pain. Rodale Publishers. 2006

Berger A. (eds) Oncology. Special Issue on Supportive and Palliative Care. CMP Healthcare Media. Vol 18 (12) 2004.

Berger A. (eds) The Cancer Journal: Special Issue on Supportive and Palliative Care. Vol 12. No 5. Sept/Oct. 2006.

Wallen G R, Berger A. Mixed Methods In search of Truth in Palliative Care Medicine Journal of Palliative Medicine. 7(3), 403-404, 2004.

Berger A. Palliative Care in Long Term Care Facilities-A Comprehensive Model. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 49:1570-1571, 2001.

Berger A., Henderson M, Nadoolman W, Cooper D, Duffy V, Saberski L, Bartoshuk L. The use of capsaicin candy as a possible treatment of oral pain in patients receiving cancer therapy. ASCO proceeding, Vol. 12, page 439, 1993

Nadoolman W., Duffy V, Berger A, Bartoshuk L. Successive Desensitization: a low pain/high dose technique for oral capsaicin. Chemicals Senses, 1994

Berger A, Saberski L, Reiss M. Physician attitudes and knowledge of management of cancer pain. ASCO Proceedings, Vol. 12, page 439, 1993.

Berger A. The use of amitriptyline with narcotic analgesics in the treatment of cancer pain and quality of life. Phi Delta Epsilon News and Scientific Journal, 79:1, 1987

Berger A, Baker K, Bolle J, Pereira D, Establishing a Palliative Care Program in a Research Center: Evolution of a Model. Cancer Investigation. 21(2),2003:313-320.

Berger A. Pain in Long Term Care Facilities. TNEEL.

Berger A. Treating Fatigue in Cancer Patients, The Oncologist 8 (Suppl. 1) 2003:10-14.

Berger A, Pereira D, Baker K, O’Mara A, Bolle J. Social and Cultural Determinants of End-of-life Care. The Gerontologist. Vol 42, Special Issue III, 2002: 49-53

Dickerson DE, Cox JM, Berger A, Stjernsward J. Palliative Care: When is the right time? Journal of Terminal Oncology. 1:1, 13-16, 2002.

Berger A, Koprowski C. Treatment of Malignant Bone Pain. Principles and Practice of Oncology Update. DeVita, V.T., Hellman S., and Rosenberg SA, Editors, 13:5, 1999.

Berger A, Sabersski L. Diagnosing and Managing Pain Associated with Postmastectomy. Two case studies. Surgical Physician Assistant, 3:4, 51-54, April 1997.

Berger A, Bartoshuk L, Duffy V, Nodoolman W. Capsaicin for the treatment of Oral Mucositis Pain. Principles and Practice of Oncology Update. DeVita, V.T., Hellman S., and Rosenberg S.A., Editors, 9:1, 1995.

Berger A, Henderson M, Nadoolman W, Cooper D, Duffy V, Saberski L, Bartoshuk L. Oral Capsaicin Provides Temporary Relief for Oral Mucositis Pain Secondary to Chemotherapy/Radiation therapy. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 10:3, 243-248, April 1995

Berger A, Saberski L. Post-Mastectomy/ Post-Lumpectomy pain Syndrome. Part 2. Primary Care and Cancer, 14:4, 1994.

Berger A, Tribute to a Special Person: My Grandfather Opa. Phi Delta Epsilon New and Scientific Journal, 78:4, 1986.
Locklin JL, Mannes A, Berger A, Wood B. Palliation of Soft Tissue Cancer Pain with Radiofrequency Ablation. Journal of Supportive Oncology,2:5, Sept/October 2004.

Bartoshuk LM, Snyder DJ, Grushka M, Berger AM, Duffy VB, Kveton JF. Taste Damage: Previously Unsuspected Consequences. Chemical Senses 30 (suppl 1):218-i219, 2005.

Wiser W, Berger A. Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting-A Practical Approach. Oncology, 19:5 April 2005 637-645.

Hartman JM, Berger A, Baker K, Bolle J, Handel D, Mannes D, Pereira D, St Germaine D, Sobolian N, Ronasville, Torvik S, Calis K A, Phillips TM, Cizza G. Quality of life and pain in Premenopausal women with Major Depressive Disorder: The role of Substance P and Calcitonin-gene-related peptide. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 2006 Jan 18:4(1):2. 

Pavletic P, Martin P, Lee SJ, Mitchell S, Jacobsohn D, Cowen EW, Turner ML, Akpek G, Gilman A, McDonald G, Schubert M, Berger A, Bross P, Chien JW, Couriel D, Dunn JP, Fall-Dickson J, Farrell A, Flowers MED, Greinix H, Hirschfeld S, Gerber L, Kim S, Knobler R, Lachenbruch PA, Miller FW, Mittleman B, Papadopoulos, E, parsons SK, Przepiorka D, Robinson M, Ward M, Reeve B, Rider L, Schulman H, Schultz KR, Weisdorf D, and Vogelsang GB. Measuring Therapeutic Response in Chronic Graft Versus Host Disease. Consensus Development Project on Criteria for Clinical Trials in Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease: IV. Response Criteria Working Group Report. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2006.12:252-266.

Couriel D, Carpenter P, Cutler C, Meade JB, Treister NS, Gea-Banacloche J, Shaughnessy, Hymes S, Kim S, Wayne A, Chien J, Neumann J, Mitchell S, Syrjala .K, Moravec CK, Abramovitz L, Liebermann J, Berger A, Gerber L, Schubert M, Filipovich AH, Weisdorf D, Przepiorka D, Schubert M, Schulman H, Schultz K, Mittleman B, Pavletic S, Vogelsang GB, martin PJ, Lee SJ, Flowers MED. Ancillary Therapy and Supportive Care of Chronic Graft-Versus host Disease; National Institutes of Health Consensus Development project on Criteria for Clinical Trials in Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease: V. Ancillary Therapy and Supportive Care Working Group Report. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation.2006

Mitchell S, Berger A. Fatigue During and Following Cancer and Its treatment: The Evidence base for Assessment and Treatment. The Cancer Journal Special Issue:12(5) Sept/Oct. 2006. 

Shaiova L, BergerA, Blinderman CD, Bruera E, Davis MP, Derby S, Inturrisi C, Kalman J, Pappagallo M, Perlov E. Consensus Guideline on Parenteral Methadone Use in Pain and Palliative Care. Palliative and Supportive Care. 6, 16-176, 2008. 

Harris BA, Berger AM, Mitchell SA, Steinberg, Baker K, Handel DL, Bolle JL, Bush EG, Avila D, Pavletic SZ. Spiritual Well-Being in Long-Term Survivors with Chronic Graft versus Host Disease after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Journal of Supportive Oncology. Volume 8, Number3, May/June2010, 119-125. 

Kerkar SP, Kemp CD, Duffy A, Kammula US, SchrumpD, Kwong K, Quezado M, Goldspiel BR, Venkatesan Aradhana, Berger A, Walker M, Toomey MA, Steinberg SM, Giaccone G, Rosenberg SA, Avital I. The GYmSSA Trial: A Prospective Randomized Trial Comparing Gastrectomy, metastasectomy plus systemic therapy versus systemic therapy alone. Trials. 10:121, Dec. 23, 2009. 

D. Hui, Elsayem A F, De la Cruz M, Berger A, Zhukovsky D S, Evans AC, Fadul NA, Palmer JL, Bruera E. Availability and Integration of Palliative Care at US Cancer Centers. JAMA. 2010;303(11)1054-1061.

Dworkin Robert H, Turk Dennis C, Basch E, Berger A, Cleeland C, Farrar J, Haythornthwaithwaite JA, Jensen MP, Kerns RD, Markman J, porter L, Raja SN, Ross E, Todd K, Wallace M, Woolf CJ. Considerations for extrapolating evidence of acute and chronic pain analgesic efficacy-Topical Review. Pain. 152:1705-8.

Skeath P, Norris S, Katheria V, White J, Baker K, Handel D, SternbergE, PollackJ, GoningerH, phillipsJ, BergerA. The Nature of Life Transforming positive Subjective Changes Among Cancer Patients and Survivors. Qualatative health Research. 2013. Sept. 23 (9).

Nadarajah S, Berger A, Thomas SA. Current Status of Spirituality in Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs: A review of literature. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation. May/June 2013. Vol 33 (3) p 135-143. 

Bruehl S, Apkarian AV, Ballantyne JC, Berger A, Borsook D, Chen W, Farrar JT, Haythornthwaite JA, Horn SD, Iadarola MJ, Inturrisi CE, Lao L, Mackey S, Mao J, Sawczuk A, Uhl GR, Witter J, Woolf CJ. Zubieta JK, Lin Y. Personalized Medicine and Opioid Analgesic Prescribing for Chronic Pain: Opportunities and Challenges. J. Pain 2013. Feb;14(2) 103-113. 

Wallen GR, Baker K, Stolar M, Miller D, Ames N, Yates J, Bolle J, Pereira P, St Germaine D, Handel D, Berger A. Palliative Care Outcomes in surgical oncology patients with advanced malignancies: a mixed method approach: Qual. Life Research 2012: 21:405-15

Soto E, Stewart DR, Mannes AJ, Ruppert SL, Baker K. Zlott D, Handel D, Berger AM. (2012). Oral Ketamine in the palliative care setting: a review of the literature. A case report of a patient with neurofibromatosis type 1 and glomus tumor associated complex regional pain syndrome. Am j Hosp palliative Care 29:308-17.

Buehl S, Apkarian V, Ballantyne JC, Berger A, Boorsook D, Chen W, Farrar, T, Haythornthwaite JA, Horn SD, Michael J, Iadrola I, Intruissi, CE, Lao, Lixing, Mackey S, Mao J. Sawezuk A, Uhl GR, Witter J, Woolf CJ, Zubieta JK, Lin Y, Journal of Pain. Vol 14, No 2, 2013, pp 103-113. 

Skeath P, Norris S, Katheria V, White J, Baker K, Handel, Sternberg E, Pollack J, Groninger JH, Phillips J, Berger A. How do life Transforming Positive Subjective Changes Begin Among Cancer Patients and Survivors. Qualitive Health Research. Vol 23, Number 9, 2013. 

Baird K, Steinberg SM, Grkovicl, Pulanic D, Cowen EW, Mitchell SA, Williams KM, Datilies M, Bishop R, Bassim C, Mays J, Aria D, Cole K, Avila DN, taylor T, Urban A, Joe G, comis L, Berger A, Stratton P, Zhang D, Shellhammer JH, Banacloche-Gea J, Sportes C, Fowler DH, Gress RE, Pavletic RE. National Institutes of Health Chronic GVHD Staging in Severely Affected patients; Organ and Global Scoring correlate with established Indicators of Disease Severity and prognosis. Biol blood marrow Transplant 2013 Apr;19(4), 632-639. 

Nadarajah S, Berger A, Thomas SA, Spirituality in Cardiac Rehabilitation. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation. 2013:33:135-143.

Lu K, Cheng JM, Ge X, Berger AM, Kato G, Minniti C. A Retrospective Review of Acupuncture use for the Treatment of Pain in Sickle Cell Disease. A single institution analysis. The Clinical Journal of Pain. 2013, Dec 5.

Curtis LM, Grkovic L, Mitchell SA, Steinberg SM, Cowen EW, Datilis MB, Mays J, Bassim C, Joe G, Comis LE, Berger A, Avila D, Taylor T, Pulanic D, Cole K, Baruffaldi J, Fowler DH, Gress Re, Pavletic SZ. NIH response criteria measures are associated with important parameters of disease severity in patients with GVHD. Bone Marrow transplantation (2014) 49. 1513-1520.

Holder G, Young B, Nadarajah S, Berger A. Psychosocial experiences in the context of life –threatening illness; The cardiac rehabilitation patient. Palliative and Supportive Care, 2014, 1-8. 2014 

Bower JE, Bak K, Berger A, Breitbart W, Escalante CP, Ganz PA, Schnipper HH, Lacchetti C, Ligibel JA, Lyman GH, Ogaily MS, Pirl WF, Jacobson PB. Screening, Assessment and Management of Fatigue in Adult Survivors of Cancer: An American Society of Clinical Practice Guideline Adaptation. Journal of Clinical Oncology April 14, 2014. 

Ghosh A, Berger A. Other Options for pain Management of Symptomatic Metastases. Annals of Palliative Medicine 3 (3), 2014

Lynes C, Phillips J, Keane C, Sloan D, Berger A. Evaluation of a bereavement program in a research hospital. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 2014.

Young W, Nadarajah S, Berger A. Supportive medical Care in life-threatening illness: A pilot study. Palliative and Supportive Care. 2016, 1-6. 

Gomez-Castillo B, Hirsch R, Groninger H, Baker K, Cheng J, Phillips J, pollack P, Berger A. Increasing the Number of outpatients receiving spiritual assessment; A pain and palliative care service quality Improvement project; Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2015 Nov 50 (5) 724-9. 

Aggrawal S, Ghosh A, Cheng C, Luton K, Lowet P, Berger A. Initiating Pain and Palliative Care Services for the Suburban Underserved in Montgomery County Maryland; lessons learned at the NIH Clinical Center and Mobile Med. Palliative and Supportive Care.2015, 0, 1-6. 

Im A, Mitchell SA, Steinberg S, Curtis L, Berger A, Baird K, Kuzmina Z, Joe G, Comis L, Juckett M, Avila D, Baruffaldi J, Masuch L, Pavletic. Factors Associated with fatigue in Chronic graft Versus host Disease. Biology of Blood and marrow Transplantation. 2013. 

Nadarajah SR, Buchholz SW, Wiegard D, Berger A. The lived experience of individuals in cardiac rehabilitation who have a positive outlook on their cardiac recovery: A phenomenological inquiry. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. May 2016, 1-10. 

Sloan DH, BrintzenhofeSzoc K, Kichline T, Baker K, Pinzon J, Tafe C, Lingsheng, L, Cheng MJ, Berger A. An Assessment of Meaning in life-threatening illness. Development of the healing Experience in All Life Stressors. Patient Related Outcome Measures, 2017:8 15-21. 

Mistretta EG, Sloan D, BrintzenhofeSzoc K, Weber KM, Berger A. Testing domains of the healing experience in all life stressors questionnaire in a cohort of HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected Chicago women. Psychology Research and Behavior Management. 2017:10, 201-208. 

Coats, H, Rosenfeld A, Crist J, Berger A, Sternberg E. African American Elders Serious Illness Experiences: Narratives of “God did”, God will, and “Life is better” Qualitative Health Research. 2017, Vol 27 (5) 634-648. 

Mehta AK, Wilks S, Cheng MJ, Baker K, Berger A. Nurses’ interest in independently initiating end of life conversations and palliative care consultations in a suburban, community hospital. American journal of Hospice and palliative Medicine, 2017.

Zia F, Olaku O, Bao T, Berger A, Deng G, Fan AY, Garcia MK, Herman P, Kaptchuk T, Ladas E, Langevin H, Lao L, Lu W, Napadow V, Niemtzow R, Vickers A, Wang X, Witt C, MAO JJ. The National Cancer Institute’s Conference on Acupuncture for Symptom Management in Cancer: State of the evidence, Science, and research gaps. JNCI , 2017 (52). 

Berger A. Psychosocial Spiritual Healing. Annals of Palliative medicine. July 2017. 

Sloan DH, BrintzenhofeSzoc K, Mistretta E, Cheng MJ, Berger A. The Influence of Relationships on the meaning Making process; patients Perspective. Annals of Palliative Medicine, 2017. 

Li L, Sloan DH, Mehta AK, Willis G, Weaver MS, Berger A. Life Perceptions of patients receiving Palliative Care and Experiencing Psychosocial Spiritual Healing. Annals of Palliative Medicine. July 2017. 

Skeath P, Berger A. “living in the Moment” Among cancer survivors who report life transforming change. Annals of Palliative Medicine. July 2017. 

Lichenstein AH, Berger A, Cheng MJ. Definitions of Healing and Healing Interventions across different cultures. Annals of Palliative Medicine. July 2017. 

Coats H, Rosenfeld A, Crist JD, Sternberg E, Berger A. Using Cognitive Interviewing to Improve a Psychological-Social Spiritual Healing Instrument; Voices of Aging African Americans with Serious Illness. Applied nursing Research, 38, 109-114, 2017. 

Kerep, A. Z., Broome, J., Pirsl, F., Steinberg, S. M., Mitchell, S. A., Cowen, E. W., Pichard, D. C., Joe, G. O., Comis, L. E., Mays, J. W., Datiles, M. B., Stratton, P., Zolton, J., Berger, A., Hendricks, J., Kenyon, M., Baruffaldi, J., Denisova, M., Curtis, L. M., Pulanic, D., Baird, K., Fowler, D. H., Gress, R. E., & Pavletic, S. Z. (2018). A Large Cohort Comparison of the New 2014 National Institutes of Health Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease Staging Criteria with the 2005 Version in Severely Affected Patients. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Volume 24, Issue 3 , S254

Ana Zelic Kerep, MD, Filip Pirsl, BS, Seth M. Steinberg, PhD, Sandra A. Mitchell, PhD. Lauren M. Curtis, MD, Edward W. Cowen, MD, Dominique C. Pichard, MD, Galen O. Joe, MD, Leora E. Comis, OTR, Annie Im, MD, Ann Berger, MSN, MD, Laura Parsons-Wandell, BSN, RN, Megan Kenyon, MSN, NP, Judy Baruffaldi, Saba Raja, Jeannette Nashed, Drazen Pulanic, MD, PhD, Kristin Baird, MD, Ronald E. Gress, MD and Steven Z. Pavletic, MD: Determinants and Clinical Significance of Musculoskeletal Symptoms In Patients With Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease 

Kerep, A. Z., Broome, J., Pirsl, F., Steinberg, S. M., Mitchell, S. A., Cowen, E. W., Pichard, D. C., Joe, G. O., Comis, L. E., Mays, J. W., Datiles, M. B., Stratton, P., Zolton, J., Berger, A., Hendricks, J., Kenyon, M., Baruffaldi, J., Denisova, M., Curtis, L. M., Pulanic, D., Baird, K., Fowler, D. H., Gress, R. E., & Pavletic, S. Z. (2017). A Large Cohort Comparison of 2005 National Institutes of Health Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease Staging Criteria to 2014. Blood, 130(Suppl 1), 4720. Accessed June 27, 2018. Retrieved from http://www.bloodjournal.org/content/130/Suppl_1/4720

Ana Zelic Kerep, MD, Jacob Broome, BS, Filip Pirsl, BS, Seth M. Steinberg, PhD, Sandra A. Mitchell, PhD, Edward W. Cowen, MD, Dominique C. Pichard, MD, Galen O. Joe, MD, Leora E. Comis, OTR, Jacqueline W. Mays, DDS, PhD, Manuel B. Datiles III, MD, Pamela Stratton, MD, Jessica Zolton, DO, Ann Berger, MSN, MD, Jennifer Hendricks, MSW, Megan Kenyon, MSN, NP, Judy Baruffaldi, Marina Denisova, Lauren M. Curtis, MD, Drazen Pulanic, MD, PhD, Kristin Baird, MD, Daniel H. Fowler, MD, Ronald E. Gress, MD, Steven Z. Pavletic, MD Impact of the 2014 NIH Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease severity scoring criteria modifications assessed in a large cohort of severely affected patients – Bone Marrow Transplant. 2018 Aug 8. doi: 10.1038/s41409-018-0224-3

Foote F, Benson H, Berger A, Berman B, Deleo J, Deuster P, Lary DJ, Silverman M, Sternberg E. Advanced Metrics for Assessing Holistic Care: The Epiduarus 2 Project. Global Advances in Health and Medicine. Vol7:1-19, 2018.

Pirsl Filip, Goklemez S, Barac A, Steinberg S, Curtis LM, Cowen EW, Mays JW, Datiles MB, Joe G, Mitchell SA, Berger A, Avila D, Kenyon M, Baruffaldi J, Pulanic D, Rosing DR, Pavletic P. cardiovascular Risk in patients Affected by Chronic Graft versus Host Disease. Journal of Clinical Oncology. (in press).

Marıa Jose´ Luna, Rezvan Ameli, Ninet Sinaii, Julia Cheringal, Samin Panahi, and Ann Berger, Gender Differences in Psycho-Social-Spiritual Healing. Journal of Women’s Health. Volume 00, Number 00, 2019 DOI: 10.1089/jwh.2019.7837g.

Kerep AZ, Pirsl F, Steinberg SM, Mitchell SA, Curtis LM, Holtzman N, Goklemez S, Bilic E, Cowen EW, Pichard D, Joe G, Comis LE, IM A, Berger A, Parsons-Wandell L, Nashed J, Pulanic D, Baird K, Gress, RE, Pavletic SZ. Determinants and Clinical Signaficance of musculoskeletal symptoms in patients with chronic graft versus host disease. Analysis of Musculoskeletal symptoms in GVHD. submitted

Curtis LM, Ostojic A, Venzon DJ, Holtzman NG, Pirsl F, Kuzmina Zj, Baird K, Rose JJ, Cowen EW, Mays JW, Mitchell SA, Parsons-Wandell L, Joe GO, Comis LE, Berger A, Pusic I, Peer CJ, Figg WD, Cao L, Gale RP, Hakim FT, Pavletic SZ. A randomized phase 2 trial of pomalidomide in subjects failing prior therapy of chronic graft versus host disease. Blood. 2021, Feb. 18; 137 (7):896-907.

Namisango E, Matovu L, Harding R, Berger A. Existentialism/spirituality in the Healing process of cancer patients. In Silbermann M, Berger A.   Global Perspectives in Cancer Care: Religion, Spirituality, and Cultural Diversity in health and Healing. Oxford Press, early 2022.

Sloan D, BrintzenhofeSzox K, Mistretta E, Cova J, Lingsheng L Willis G, weaver M, Berger A. What Does the word Healing Mean to You/ Perceptions of Patients with Life-Limiting Illness Annals of Palliative Medicine. 2022: August: 1-5 

Kerep AZ, Pirsl F, Steinberg SM, Mitchell SA, Curtis LM, Holtzman N, Goklemez S, Bilic E, Cowen EW, Pichard D, Joe G, Comis LE, IM A, Berger A, Parsons-Wandell L, Nashed J, Pulanic D, Baird K, Gress, RE, Pavletic SZ. Determinants and Clinical Significance of musculoskeletal symptoms in patients with chronic graft versus host disease. Analysis of Musculoskeletal symptoms in GVHD. Hemasphere. 2022 May 31;6(6):e730. doi: 10.1097/HS9.0000000000000730. PMID: 35747850; PMCID: PMC9208866.

Namisango E, Luyirika E, Berger A. Cross Cultural adaptation and cognitive testing of a Psycho-Social –Spiritual healing measure, the NIH Healing Experiences in all Life stressos-NIH Heals. Global Advances in Health and Medicine 2022

Ahmad N, Sinaii N, Panahi S, Serna-Tamayo C, Shnayder S, Ameli R, Berger A.  The FACIT-Sp spiritual well-being scale: a factor analysis in patients with severe and/or life-limiting medical illnesses. Annals of Palliative Medicine. 2022.

Namisango E , Luyirika E  Matovu L Berger A. . The meaning of healing to adult patients with advanced cancer – a phenomenological study. International journal of Research and Public Health , 2022. 

Belouin SJ, Averill LA, Henning3field J, Xenakis SN, Donato I, Grob C, Berger A, Mager V, Danforth A L, Anderson BT. Policy Considerations that support equitable access to responsible accountable, safe and ethical uses of psychedelic medicines. Neuropharmacology 2022.

Shayder S, Ameli R, Sinaii N, Berger A, Agrawal M. Psylocybin assisted therapy mediates psychosocial-spiritual change in cancer patients as assessed by the NIH HEALS. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2022.

Ross, S, Agrawal M, Griffiths R, Grob C, Berger A, Henningfield J. Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy to treat Psychiatric and Existential Distress in Life threatening Medical Illness and Palliative Care. Neuropharmacology. 2022.

Henningway J, Coe MA, Griffiths R, Belouin S, Berger A, Coker AR, Corner S, Heal D, Hendricks PS, Nichols C, Sapienza F, Vocci F, Zia F. Psychedelic Drug Abuse Potential Assessment Research for New Drug Application and Controlled Substances Act Scheduling. Neuropharmacology. 2022.

Sloan D, BrintzenhofeSzox K, Mistretta E, Cova J, Lingsheng L Willis G, eaver M,        3333Berger A. What Does the word Healing Mean to You/ Perceptions of Patients with Life-Limiting Illness. Annals of Palliative Medicine. 2022: August: 1-5 

Zia FZ, Baumann MH, Selouin SJ, Dworkin RH, Hendricks PS, Henningfield J, Lanier RK, Ross S, Berger A. Potential for Psychedelic Medicines in the Management of Chronic Pain. Neuropharmacology . 2023.

Xi D, Berger A, Shurtleff D, Zia F, Belouin S. National Institutes of Health Psylocybin Research Speaker Series: State of the Science, Regulatory and Policy Landscape, research Gaps and opportunities. Neuropharmacology. 2023. 

Berens N, Mahon M, Roth K, Berger A, Wendler D. The Ethics of Conscientious Objection in Teaching Physician Assisted Death. Palliative Medicine.  (submitted)

Namisango E , Luyirika E  Matovu L Berger A. The meaning of healing to adult patients with advanced cancer – a phenomenological study . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health:2023,20,1474.

Shayder S, Ameli R, Sinaii N, Berger A, Agrawal M. Psylocybin assisted therapy mediates psychosocial-spiritual change in cancer patients as assessed by the NIH HEALS. Journal of Affective Disorders.323(2023) 592-597. 

Zia FZ, Baumann MH, Beloui n SJ, Dworkin RH, Hendricks PS, Henningfield J, Lanier RK, Ross S, Berger A. Potential for Psychedelic Medicines in the Management of Chronic Pain. Neuropharmacology. 233(2023) 109528. 

Xi D, Berger A, Shurtleff D, Zia F, Belouin S. National Institutes of Health psilocybin research speaker series: State of the science, regulatory and policy landscape, research gaps, and opportunities. Neuropharmacology. 230 (2023). 109467. 

Langevin H, Berger A, Edwards E. Interface of Resilience with Other Related Concepts in Physiological and Psychosocial Spiritual Domains. Stress and Health. 2023:1-4.

Bagereka P, Vocci M, Ameli R, Sinai N, Berger A. Psychosocial Spiritual Well-being is related to resilience and mindfulness in patients with severe and/or life limiting medical illness. BMC Palliative Care. (2023)

Berens N, Mahon M, Roth K, Berger A, Wendler D. The Ethics of Conscientious Objection in Teaching Physician Assisted Death. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (2023) Vol 0 (0), 1-5.

Gamble LA, Samaranayake S, Lopez R, Rhodes A, Rajasimhan S, Fasaye GA, Juma O, Connolly M, Joyce S, Berger A, Blakely AM, Hernandez JM, Heller T, Davis J. Costs of Cancer prevention: Physical and Psychosocial sequelae of Risk-reducing Total Gastrectomy. Journal of Clinical Oncology. (2023)  

Magar V, Urrutia J, Belouin S, MaierL, Anderson B, yaden D, Henningfield J, Maternowka C, Griffith R, Grob C, Berger A, Labate B, Weichold F. Integrating psychedelic research, traditional and indigenous knowledge systems, and contemplative practices to advance public health, self -transcendence, and human flourishing. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. (2023)

Kaiping Zhang, Binghan Shang, Allan Kellehear, Yuetian Yu, Simon S. Lo, Rony Dev, Pasithorn A. Suwanabol, Eva Katharina Masel, Ann Berger, Mitsunori Miyashita, Charles B. Simone. Scope of Annals of Palliative Medicine based on a review of the disciplinary development and evolving definition of palliative Medicine.  Annals of Palliative Medicine.(2023) . Vol 12, No 6. 

Marcelli C. Vocci1, Polycarpe Bagereka1, Rezvan Ameli1, Ninet Sinaii2, Jeremy L. Davis3, Manish Agrawal4, Ann Berger1   Development of the 9-Item National Institute of Health Healing Experience of All Life Stressors. Stressors. (submitted Plos Mental Health).

Berger, A. Fall-Dickinson, J. Oral Complications of Cancer Therapy. Principles and Practice of Oncology. Devita VT, Helman S, Rosenberg SA. Editors, 7th ed. Lippincott-Raven, 2004.

Berger A, Clark B. Antiemetic Therapy. Principles and Practice of Oncology. Devita VT, Helman S, Rosenberg SA. Editors, 7th ed. Lippincott-Raven, 2004.

Berger A, Karrakunnel J. Alopeica. Principles and Practice of Oncology. Devita VT, Helman S, Rosenberg SA. Editors, 7th ed. Lippincott-Raven, 2004.

Zlotolow I, Berger A. Oral Complications of Cancer Therapy. Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology. Berger A, Portenoy R, Weissman D. Editors, 2nd edition. Lippincott-Raven, 2002.

Berger A, Clark B. Antiemetic Therapy. Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology. Berger A, Portenoy R, Weissman D. Editors, 2nd edition. Lippincott-Raven, 2002.

Berger A, Koprowski C. Treatment of Malignant Bone Pain. Berger A, Portenoy R, Weissman D. Editors, 2nd edition. Lippincott-Raven, 2002.

Berger A, Kilroy T. Oral Complications of Cancer Therapy. Principles and Practice of Oncology. Devita VT, Helman S, Rosenberg SA. Editors, 6th ed. Lippincott-Raven, 2000.

Berger A, Clark B. Antiemetic Therapy. Principles and Practice of Oncology. Devita VT, Helman S, Rosenberg SA. Editors, 6th ed. Lippincott-Raven, 2000. 

Wallen G, Winnick H, Berger A, Carr D. Palliative Care Outcome Measures: translating research into practice. Pain Research and Clinical Management ed. By Carr D, Winnick H, Elsevier,2008.

Berger A, Kilroy T. Oral complications of cancer. Principles and Practice of Supportive Oncology. Berger A, Portenoy R, Weissman D. Editors, 1st ed. Lippincott-Raven 1998. 

Berger A, Kilroy T. Oral Complications of Cancer Therapy. Principles and Practice of Oncology. Devita VT, Helman S, Rosenberg SA. Editors, 5th ed. Lippincott-Raven, 1996.

Berger A, Clark B. Antiemetic Therapy. Principles and Practice of Oncology. Devita VT, Helman S, Rosenberg SA. Editors, 5th ed. Lippincott-Raven, 1996

Baker K, Berger A. Cancer Pain Assessment. Cancer Pain for the Health Care Professional, editor Berger A. CMP, 2004.

Berger A, Berger S. Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting-A quality of life issue. Prevention of Chemotherapy-Induce Nausea and Vomiting. Ed. Berger A. CMP, 2004.

Berger S, Berger A. Nausea/Vomiting, Anorexia/Cachexia, and Fatigue. Palliative Care: Core Skills and Clinical Competencies. Ed. Emanuel L., Librach S.L. Saunders, 2007. 

Berger A, Clark B. Antiemetic Therapy. Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology. Berger A, Schuster J, Von Roenn J Editors, 3rd edition. Lippincott-Raven, 2006

Fall Dickinson J, Berger A. Oral complications of cancer. Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology. Berger A, Schuster J, Von Roenn J. Editors, 3rd edition. Lippincott-Raven 2006.

St. Germaine D, Berger A. Assessment and Management of Cancer Pain. Handbook of Supportive Oncology. Berger A. Ed. CMP Healthcare 2005.

Wiser W, Berger A. Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting. Handbook of Supportive Oncology. Berger A. ed. CMP Healthcare 2005.

Berger A. Cancer Pain Assessment and Treatment. Sourcebook of Hematology and Oncology. Ed. Fojo T. McGraw Hill 2006.

Maher, J., Berger A. Cancer pain and Palliative Care. Cancer Supportive Care: Advances in Therapeutic Strategies. Ed. Lyman GH, Crawford J., Inform Health Care, 2008.

Fall-Dickinson J, Berger A. Oral Complications of Cancer Therapy. Principles and Practice of Oncology. Devita VT, Helman S, Rosenberg SA. Editors, 8th ed. Lippincott-Raven, 2008.

Karrakunnel J, BergerA. Alopeica.  Principles and Practice of Oncology. Devita VT, Helman S, Rosenberg SA. Editors, 8th ed. Lippincott-Raven, 2008.

Mitchell S, Berger A. Cancer Fatigue. Principles and Practice of Oncology. Devita VT, Helman S, Rosenberg SA. Editors, 8th ed. Lippincott-Raven, 2008. 

Bush, E, Berger A. Treatment of Pain and Palliative Care Issues for the Patient with Cancer. Gully eds. Bethesda Handbook of Oncology 2009. 

Berger A. Cancer Pain Assessment and Treatment. Sourcebook of Hematology and Oncology. Second edition. Ed. Fojo T. McGraw Hill 2010.

Soto Eli, Berger A. Nausea/Vomiting, Palliative Care: Core Skills and Clinical Competencies. Ed. Emanuel L. Librach 2nd ed. Saunders 2010

Mccardle P, McCune S, Netting E, Berger A, Malholmes V. Therapeutic Human-animal interaction: An Overview. In Animals in our Lives Human-Animal Interaction in Family, Community, and Therapeutic Settings. Ed McCardleP, mcCune S, Griffin JA, Esposito L, Freund LS. Paul H Brookkes Publishing Co., 2011.

Skeath P, Fine A, Berger A. Animal Assisted therapy in Palliative Care. In Fine A., Animal Assisted Therapy. 2nd Edition 2010

Soto, E, Fall-Dickinson J, Berger A., Oral Complications to Cancer Therapy Principles and Practice of Oncology, Devita VT, Rosenberg, SA, Weinberg, Editors, 9th ed. Lippincott-Raven 2011.

Mitchell S, Berger A. Cancer Fatigue. Principles and Practice of Oncology. Devita VT, Rosenberg SA, Weinberg. Editors, 9th ed. Lippincott-Raven, 2011

Karrakunnel J, BergerA. Alopeica.  Principles and Practice of Oncology. Devita Rosenberg SA., Weinberg Editors, 9th ed. Lippincott-Raven, 2011 

Berger R, Berger A. Palliative Care of Sytingomyelia. Academy Hospice and Palliative Care Nursing 2013. 

Reaves A, Berger A. Nausea and Vomiting. Oncology for the Primary Care Provider. Devita V, Lawrence T, Rosenberg S. Lippincott 2013. 

Flanders A, Berger A. Mucositis. Oncology for the Primary Care Provider. Devita V, Lawrence T, Rosenberg S. Lippincott 2013.

Vijayan J, Berger A. Oncology for the Primary Care Provider. Devita V, Lawrence T, Rosenberg S. Lippincott 2013.

Byker G, Berger A. Shortness of Breath/Pleural Effusions. Oncology for the Primary Care Provider. Devita V, Lawrence T, Rosenberg S. Lippincott 2013.

Ryan S., Berger A. Diarrhea and Constipation. Oncology for the Primary Care Provider. Devita V, Lawrence T, Rosenberg S. Lippincott 2013.

Brzeziak C, Berger A. Anorexia and Cachexia. Oncology for the Primary Care Provider. Devita V, Lawrence T, Rosenberg S. Lippincott 2013. 

Soto E, Fall-Dickinson J, Berger A. Oral Complications of Cancer Therapy. Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and supportive Oncolgy, 4the edition. Lippincitt. 2013.

Berger A. Cancer Pain Assessment and Treatment. Hematology-Oncology Therapy. Eds. Boyiadzis M, Frame J, Kohler D, Fojo T, 2014 

Bush E, Berger A. Pain and Palliative Care. Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology. 4th edition. Ed. James Gulley, Abraham, 2014. 

Soto, E, Fall-Dickson JM, Berger AM. Oral Manifestations and Complications of Cancer Therapy. Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology, 4th Edition, eds. Berger AM, Schuster JL, Von Roenn JH. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (2013)

Bray N, Berger AM. Hematopoietic Tem Cell Transplantation and Supportive Care. Principles and Practice and Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology. 4th Edition, eds. Berger AM, Schuster JL, Von Roenn JH. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (2013)

Soto, E, Fall-Dickinson J, Berger A., Oral Complications to Cancer Therapy. Principles and Practice of Oncology, Devita VT, Rosenberg, SA, Weinberg Editors, 10th ed. Lippincott-Raven 2014

Mitchell S, Berger A. Cancer Fatigue. Principles and Practice of Oncology. Devita VT, Rosenberg SA, Weinberg. Editors, 10th ed. Lippincott-Raven, 2014

Karrakunnel J, BergerA. Alopeica.  Principles and Practice of Oncology. Devita Rosenberg SA., Weinberg Editors, 10th ed. Lippincott-Raven, 2014

Soto E, Berger A. Nausea and Vomiting. Palliative Care. Core Skills and Clinical Competencies, Emanuel LL, Librach SL. Elsevier Saunders, 2014, 115-129. 

Bush E, Berger A. Pain and Palliative Care. Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology. 4th edition. Ed. Abraham J, Gulley JL, Allegra CJ, 2014. 

Berger R, Berger A. Palliative Care of Syringomyelia. American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Care Nurses. Palliative care of uncommon diseases, 2014

Gatto M, Berger A. Anxiety. Ed. Dahlin C, Coyne PJ, Ferrell BR, Advanced practice palliative Nursing. Oxford, 2016. 
Berger A. Cancer Pain Assessment and Treatment. Hematology-Oncology Therapy. Eds. Boyiadzis M, Frame J, Kohler D, Fojo T, (in press)

Weaver M, Berger A. principles and Practice of palliative Care Across Cultures and Age Groups. Ed. Silbermann M. Palliative Care Perspective, Practices and Impact on Quality of life-Global View Nova Publishing, 2017.

Berger A. Wiener L, Puchalski C. The Clinical Interview. Handbook of palliative care and supportive Oncology.

Berger A. Hinds P. Puchalski C. Springer Publishing. 2018.

Tafe C, Pinzon JP, Berger A. Pain and Palliative Care. Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology. 5th ed. James Gulley, Abraham, 2018

Pinzon JP, Tafe C, Berger A. Pain and Palliative Care. The Bethesda review of Clinical oncology, 1st edition, eds. Abraham and Gulley J. 2018

Fall-Dickinson J, Berger A., Oral Complications to Cancer Therapy. Principles and Practice of Oncology, Devita VT, Rosenberg, SA, Weinberg Editors, 11th ed. Lippincott-Raven 2019

Mitchell S, Berger A. Cancer Fatigue. Principles and Practice of Oncology. Devita VT, Rosenberg SA, Weinberg. Editors, 11th ed. Lippincott-Raven, 2019

Maeng H, BergerA. Alopeica.  Principles and Practice of Oncology. Devita Rosenberg SA., Weinberg Editors, 1st ed. Lippincott-Raven, 2019

Dickson J, Berger A. Oral Complications. In Devita VT, Lawrence TS, Rosenberg SA. Cancer : Principles and practice of Oncology 12th edition, Wolters Kluwer-Lippincott (2022)

Mitchell S, Berger A. Fatigue in cancer patients.   In Devita VT, Lawrence TS, Rosenberg SA. Cancer : Principles and practice of Oncology 12th edition, Wolters Kluwer-Lippincott (2022)

Price JR, Berger A. Cancer Pain: Assessment and Management. In Boyiadzis M, Fojo T. Hematology/Oncology Therapy 3rd edition (2022)

Namisango E, Matovu L, Harding R, Berger A. Existentialism/spirituality in the Healing process of cancer patients. In Silbermann M, Berger A.   Global Perspectives in Cancer Care: Religion, Spirituality, and Cultural Diversity in health and Healing. Oxford Press, early 2022.

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Stephanie Lott, MA


Lott, S. (2020). Perceptions of Literacy Coaching Program Indicators of Success by Key
Stakeholders at International Schools
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Theses and Dissertations. 4486. Hamline University.

Chazdon, S. A. & Lott, S. (2010). Ready for Engagement: Using Key Informant Interviews to
Measure Community Social Capital
. Community Development, 41(2). 155-174.

Lott, S. & Chazdon, S. (2009). The Effects of Leadership Development: Individual Outcomes and
Community Impacts
(A U-Lead Impact Study). Regents of the University of Minnesota.

Lott, S. (2005). The Difficult Art of Cultivating Community: The Politics and Experiences of a Denver-Area ‘Garden Movement’ [Master’s thesis, Colorado State University].

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