Evaluation Framework for MBRR®

Mindfulness-Based Risk Reduction® is an ongoing continuous improvement process for designing, implementing, and evaluating intervention programs.

Evidence-Based and Performance Focused

MBRR® as a Key Strategy for Culture Change

For individuals, mindfulness training improves cognitive function, emotional well-being, and overall health, which can lead to reduced errors and improved performance.

For organizations, mindfulness training that improves working memory, sustained attention, positive communications, and critical decision-making can also lead to collective mindfulness and, thus, overall improvements in organizational performance, health, and well-being.

Assess the Needs

We begin by first assessing your needs and prioritizing the most important concerns in the organization.

We utilize a suite of MBRR® assessment tools, including surveys, interviews, on-site observations, document reviews, and risk analyses to customize our applications from small one-off projects to larger organization-wide interventions.

Design the Program

We help form and engage key internal resources, like Design and Review Teams, to seamlessly embrace an effective change management plan.

We utilize internal experts to inform competency planning, curriculum design, and program development, to leverage the collective wisdom inside the organization to design intervention programs custom tailored to meet your specific needs.

Apply the Tools

By implementing our tools of Mindful Organizing, Mindfulness Training, and Mindful Practices, organizations can cultivate a culture of mindfulness starting from leadership positions to front line supervisors and employees.

The impact of this multi-dimensional approach extends beyond the organization, benefiting customers and clients, as well as family and friends.

Measure the Impact

We work closely with the internal project team to identify key performance indicators (KPIs), such as communication skills and team-building.

These KPIs are then linked to longer-term organizational performance, health, and well-being outcomes to help build robust predictive models of performance, leading to higher profit and social impacts.

Get in Touch!

For inquiries and more information, please use the contact form below or reach out to us directly at mcoplen@truesafetyeval.com.